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To get divorce is a complex process, especially you need legal protection on your own interest, like alimony,petition and child custody, so all you need is a local experienced divoce lawyer to get everything done for you on your behalf. However, it might cost you $250/hour to hire a 5-year-experience divorce lawyer doing the consultation for your specific case in any state of US,which is very expensive. What's worse, it's often too late for you to realize that the lawyer who is working for you is not the one you like or trust, probably just because his professional consultation doesn't impress you and you still have to pay for his bad service.

To get rid of that, you can simply present your own divorce case to us who have thousands of all level lawyers all over the country registered. We keep your information absolutely confidential to them except the case content. After your successful submission of your case, couple local lawyers of your zip code will review your case thoroughly and offer you free professional consultations. Then you can choose from couple of local lawyers by judging their quality of consultation they offered free for you . That can save you a lot of time and trouble and thousands of consultation fee. You Compare them By the Service Charging Rate & Service Quality. Finally you get your Preferred lawyer on Behalf of you to Get What You Deserve.That would be the Best Experience using our free legal service here.

Click Here to see the 8-step tutorial I wrote with screenshots for you to present your case for free.

How to Buy A Used Car with good condition?

Hi, I'm wARtist. When you come to this page, it's definitely NOT by chance! You must be eager to hunt your dream ride of one of the brands above. After you read thru the article for the part of information you need, you'll surely get what you need, I promise you.That's because we have one thing in common:
We All Love Cars!
But How To Get An Affordable Car?
I search for a solution until one day, I heard about special kinds of auctions called Government Auction,Police Auction,Seized Auction,Disclosure Auction and Repossessed Auction.
I posted honest reviews & tutorials with whole procedures in very specific words and screenshots on my own website. Click Here to get your own dream ride!

My Honest Review on IX Web Hosting

PLEASE NOTE: This is an honest Review on IX Web Hosting which is exclusive and original copywriting of 10-Dimension Reviews.

You may come up with couple of web hosting providers offering tons of good services and good pricesthat make you confused about which to take. Remember, you should always decide the purpose you create a website. If you just want to establish your personal website and you are not a professional, all you need is a basic webhosting plan just to get familiar with the webmaster world. When you are no longer a newbie, you can try some advanced webhosting plans.

There're tons of webhosting plans for you to choose from when you google or yahoo the word "webhosting".They all tell you beautiful words to convence you pay for their service. As far as I know, most top webhosting providers, I mean USA top 5, like Lunarpages, Godaddy,Bluehost,IX Webhosting, offer almost the same quality service. Of course, the very best quality. There is no substantial differece. Whoever you choose is OK. But you should always remember, don't buy any webhosting service that you have never heard of no matter how cheap it is. USA Top 5 can always get you the best experience with a fairly low price.However, personally, I prefer IX webhosing than any others. You can check up http://www.who.is/ about this domain to see that we use IX Webhosting. Why? There're couple of reasons.

1. Search through all the top webhosting providers' website, I see only IX Webhosting offer free dedicated IP for all the its hosting plans. Others, like what I have mentioned above, they charge additional $30 per year or $9 per month which is acceptable to me. I do care about dedicated IP. What is dedicated IP? The dedicated IP is the unique physical address on the internet of your website. It is opposite to shared IP. Google it and see the difference. If you choose advanced hosting plans, you will get 8 or 16 free dedicated IPs which seem to me enough to build multiple websites without interfering each other.

2. Another advantage is IX Webhosting charges even lesser though I don't care about that difference. If you just choose the basic plan (In IX, the basic plan is called Expert Plan which seems to me not appropriate.), pay one time fee for 36 months, it would be $3.95/month. One time fee for 24 or 12 months, it would be $4.95/month. Only small pricing advantage compared to Lunarpages, but what I really care about is the free dedicated IP they provide. The Unlimited Space Quota they promised actually is 2000 GB, which seems to me unlimited. The Unlimited space IX provide for all plans are more generous than other top hosting providers.

3. IX Webhosting offers free domain names just like what other providers do. When I bought their hosting service for this domain, after I pay online using my creditcard, they send me an email to my mailbox which email address I put in the purchase info, telling me about they are processing the purchase request and will contact me very soon. After about an hour, I received their email giving me all the info I need, like FTP info,etc. I was amazed to see that the domain I registered an hour ago can be used. I quickly set up the Filezilla (I use Filezilla to upload files to server, you can download this free software here), uploading the website files previously created by dreamweaver to the server, I am so excited to see everything works well. Thanks, IX!

4. I saw many newbies asking about the SQL database service IX offered. I am telling you, the basic plan("expert plan" in IX) has acess to 50 MYSQL database files, which means you are able to create 50 individual websites for dynamic pages use. Just enough for ordinary people. If you are using ASP,Coldfusion,ASP.net to program your pages, you can choose the windows server, if you are using php 4/5, please choose the Linux server.

5. If you are tired of using dreamweaver or something, please use CMS (Content Management System) managing everything for you, the ones I am using on other domains are wordpress (for blog user),Joomla(for normal website user), they are all php & MYSQL based CMS, which is completely compatible to any IX Webhosting plans. Click Here For IX Webhosting Manual.

6. For about 3-month use of IX Webhosting, I don't get any problem about their service, including the preferred server responding performance and the 24/7 customer service they promised. I am very please to present you IX Webhosting.

If you still have any problem about the detailed info about IX or other technical problem building a website, please leave a comment here, I'll get to you ASAP.

If you are prepared to launch your website, click the blue image below to go to IX official site.

This is an image pointing to IX Webhosting

Get Local Babysitter

Once you see this page, it means you are in need of a local babysitter. One thing we should always bury in mind is, the babysitters are required not only caregiver experience, but also certain qualifications, like a degree or something. Nowadays, more and more college graduates are becoming professional babysitters or preschool tutors for kids. That means if we hire ones like them, what we get is not only a sitter but also a tutor. They charge fairly for literally $10-$25 per hour.
If we need regularly sitting service for our kids that requires long term run, we'd better find someone with high education level and caregiver experience for the better growth of the kids, which could be very difficult to get one in local place. And there're too limited choices in a local nanny service center. What are we supposed to do?
Click Here to See Step By Step Tutorial on How to get a local babysitter & Tutor with a quality service.


God's dimensions

We humans have x,y,z three dimensions, plus time as the fourth, so we have four dimensions. While many animals like worms, including time, they have three dimensions, so it's impossible for them to imagine what four-dimension system is like. So what do God's dimensions look like?

Ten dimensions?Or twenty dimensions.

Let's assume that's ten dimensions.Unbelievable and unimaginable. Just as worms can't imagine human's four-dimension system. That's 6 dimensions' difference. We are less than dust to God.

God creates human beings and the universe. It's understandable.

Scientists often say Leave them to the theologists when something cannot be explained or beyond their maximum imagination. It's very funny. It is just what like the modern scientists called Superstition which means the belief that the ancient people consider all the unexplainable things as God's work. It's the same thing now. Should we call the modern science The Modern Superstition?


My point on current situation in China

For the previous couple of articles given and ungiven yet, I'd like to give my own point of view on the current economic situation in China.
For over the past two years, someone has drained all the wealth of Chinese security investors with only little left, which is, hope, that the stock price is going to rise in the coming years. Unfortunately, I was one of the victims. Who the hell is he? Who is able to do this? Who has that power so as to control all this? Of course, the money printing machine owner. It's easy to figure out who he really is.
For the past year 2008, the CPI has grown 4.5%(official data), while the actual CPI(of common consuming products for daily life) has grown over 12% which the authority is not likely to let people know. The value of RMB we have is shrinking all the time and the central bank is still printing funny paper money to plunder people's wealth. Unfortunately, people in China is completely unawared of this, most of whom are still traditional savers, in bank, in government they trust.What a pity!
The authority is busy doing printing stuff, on the other hand, pacifies the poor with a little comfort, like raising the minimum relief payment,or promising to offer enough jobs, etc. I think it works. People complain and accept it, arguing the price soar, the salary low, other than what the authority did to their shrinking wealth. People in China now is turning to National Lottery again like years ago because it's not easy for the most salary receivers to find a good money making way. The whole country's economy is deteriorating and the life of business owners is also tough. Where is the way out?
Accoding to the actual CPI vs one year fixed depository interest rate, the return on investment of deposition in bank is undoutedly negative, and the M4 grownth rate is around 5%, I'd like to believe that borrowing money from bank is a wise way to hedge the RMB devaluation. What do we do with the loan? Buying undervalued common consuming products manufacturing facility to earn steady fairly good cash flow. If you have enough resources, you can open a discount grocery or a discount supermarket. Or, like I mentioned before, buy gold and silver. The growth potential will cover the loan rate.

Survival of the Richest

Most of us are aware of the sacrificial slaughter of Bear Sterns. Some people call it a bailout, but I call it a handout -- a government handout to some of the richest people on Earth, paid for by American taxpayers.
It's the survival of the richest, and the poorest be damned. There's something dismal about a society that operates by those values.
The Economy on Life Support
I understand why the Federal Reserve did what it did with Bear Stearns. The Fed was doing its job -- acting as the lender of last resort, pumping money into a dying system. It wanted to prevent a run on the bank and economic chaos. It was a very creative financing move, using the Fed's magic checkbook to pump more liquidity into a thirsty market -- sort of like a physician administering life-saving measures to a critically wounded patient.
My problem with the move is that the Fed saved this patient because it's a wealthy one. Saving the biggest investment banks in America is welfare for the rich. Would the Fed do that for you or me if we screwed up our investment portfolio? Is the Fed going to bail out the millions of people facing foreclosure because the value of their homes is less than their mortgages? If I'm a small-business owner and fall behind on my taxes, is the Fed going to pay my taxes for me? If I can't pay off my college loan, will the fed pay it for me?
Aren't these investment bankers supposed to be the smartest guys in the world? Aren't they the people we entrust with our investment and retirement money? Aren't they supposed to be financially fit? Some blame subprime borrowers as the culprits in this mess, but the supposedly brilliant investment bankers bought their mortgages. Was that smart?
A Handout for the Rich
This bailout was a signal to Wall Street that the Fed stands behind them -- that they're on the same team. It was a thumbs-up to the super-rich: "Do what you want. If you screw up, we'll cover your blunders."
Ralph Nader's father purportedly once said that "Capitalism will never fail because Socialism will always bail it out." My concern, especially in this election year, is that socialists will seek revenge. Already I can hear the war cry "tax the rich!" The problem with taxing the truly rich is that the rich simply move their money to countries that treat them and their money with undue respect. And when the rich move their money, the poor and middle class end up paying more taxes.
Not only will taxes go up, but the prices of food and fuel will increase, because the purchasing power of the dollar will continue to decline. This rise in cost of living, plus higher taxes and stagnant wages, could lead to unrest -- protests, riots, and possibly chaos. In other words, what the Federal Reserve was attempting to prevent may happen anyway.
When Capitalism Stumbles
Bailing out the rich means over $800 billion from the Fed's magic checkbook entered the market. Immediately, the stock market rebounded and the price of gold and silver declined. The U.S. dollar strengthened against the euro. While this looks like a good sign, I'm afraid the problem isn't solved. The inevitable may only have been delayed.
Our problem is a toxic U.S. dollar. Printing funny money steals from the poor and middle class, savers, and the elderly. It may be legal, but it isn't moral or ethical. As long as the Fed is allowed to wield its power at will, the prices for food and fuel will only go up.
So will the price of gold and silver. Some are calling for gold and silver to go over $2,500 and $200 an ounce, respectively. Some even believe gold will go as high as $5,000 an ounce. I hope not. While I get excited about seeing the gold I purchased for less than $300 an ounce flirt with $1,000 an ounce, I also begin to worry.
The rise in the price of gold is a sign that capitalism has stumbled. And when capitalism stumbles, workers' wages buy less and savings are wiped out. Even gains from the stock market are diminished because our dollar gains are worth less.
Troubles Past and Present
Throughout history, when capitalism stumbles chaos erupts and sometimes despots take over. For example:
• In 1897, the Russian ruble was pegged to gold and a period of relative economic growth followed. Russia went off the gold standard to finance World War I. The government fell to the Bolsheviks in 1917, and the Russian mafia took control of the economy.
• After World War I, the German middle class was wiped out and Adolf Hitler was voted into power in 1933.
• In the 1930s, China was the only country on the silver standard. In 1935, the nationalist Chinese government started issuing paper money. In 1937, in order to fight the Japanese, the government began printing funny money. The value of their currency went from four yuan per dollar in 1936 to a trillion yuan per dollar in 1949. In May of 1949, the Chinese government fell to Mao Tse-Tung and the Communists.
• In 1984, Yugoslavia hosted the Winter Olympics just as their currency, the dinar, began to devalue. In 1989, the IMF recommended more devaluation and the freezing of workers' wages. Rioting broke out, and in 1989 Communist party leader Slobodan Milsoevic was elected into power. Yugoslavia broke apart as war and ethnic cleansing began.
As capitalism falters, the rich move their money out of the country, violence increases, and politicians promising prosperity are elected. It's happened before, and I fear it's happening again. Trouble brews when we steal from the poor and give to the rich. By Robert Kiyosaki