
My Honest Review on IX Web Hosting

PLEASE NOTE: This is an honest Review on IX Web Hosting which is exclusive and original copywriting of 10-Dimension Reviews.

You may come up with couple of web hosting providers offering tons of good services and good pricesthat make you confused about which to take. Remember, you should always decide the purpose you create a website. If you just want to establish your personal website and you are not a professional, all you need is a basic webhosting plan just to get familiar with the webmaster world. When you are no longer a newbie, you can try some advanced webhosting plans.

There're tons of webhosting plans for you to choose from when you google or yahoo the word "webhosting".They all tell you beautiful words to convence you pay for their service. As far as I know, most top webhosting providers, I mean USA top 5, like Lunarpages, Godaddy,Bluehost,IX Webhosting, offer almost the same quality service. Of course, the very best quality. There is no substantial differece. Whoever you choose is OK. But you should always remember, don't buy any webhosting service that you have never heard of no matter how cheap it is. USA Top 5 can always get you the best experience with a fairly low price.However, personally, I prefer IX webhosing than any others. You can check up http://www.who.is/ about this domain to see that we use IX Webhosting. Why? There're couple of reasons.

1. Search through all the top webhosting providers' website, I see only IX Webhosting offer free dedicated IP for all the its hosting plans. Others, like what I have mentioned above, they charge additional $30 per year or $9 per month which is acceptable to me. I do care about dedicated IP. What is dedicated IP? The dedicated IP is the unique physical address on the internet of your website. It is opposite to shared IP. Google it and see the difference. If you choose advanced hosting plans, you will get 8 or 16 free dedicated IPs which seem to me enough to build multiple websites without interfering each other.

2. Another advantage is IX Webhosting charges even lesser though I don't care about that difference. If you just choose the basic plan (In IX, the basic plan is called Expert Plan which seems to me not appropriate.), pay one time fee for 36 months, it would be $3.95/month. One time fee for 24 or 12 months, it would be $4.95/month. Only small pricing advantage compared to Lunarpages, but what I really care about is the free dedicated IP they provide. The Unlimited Space Quota they promised actually is 2000 GB, which seems to me unlimited. The Unlimited space IX provide for all plans are more generous than other top hosting providers.

3. IX Webhosting offers free domain names just like what other providers do. When I bought their hosting service for this domain, after I pay online using my creditcard, they send me an email to my mailbox which email address I put in the purchase info, telling me about they are processing the purchase request and will contact me very soon. After about an hour, I received their email giving me all the info I need, like FTP info,etc. I was amazed to see that the domain I registered an hour ago can be used. I quickly set up the Filezilla (I use Filezilla to upload files to server, you can download this free software here), uploading the website files previously created by dreamweaver to the server, I am so excited to see everything works well. Thanks, IX!

4. I saw many newbies asking about the SQL database service IX offered. I am telling you, the basic plan("expert plan" in IX) has acess to 50 MYSQL database files, which means you are able to create 50 individual websites for dynamic pages use. Just enough for ordinary people. If you are using ASP,Coldfusion,ASP.net to program your pages, you can choose the windows server, if you are using php 4/5, please choose the Linux server.

5. If you are tired of using dreamweaver or something, please use CMS (Content Management System) managing everything for you, the ones I am using on other domains are wordpress (for blog user),Joomla(for normal website user), they are all php & MYSQL based CMS, which is completely compatible to any IX Webhosting plans. Click Here For IX Webhosting Manual.

6. For about 3-month use of IX Webhosting, I don't get any problem about their service, including the preferred server responding performance and the 24/7 customer service they promised. I am very please to present you IX Webhosting.

If you still have any problem about the detailed info about IX or other technical problem building a website, please leave a comment here, I'll get to you ASAP.

If you are prepared to launch your website, click the blue image below to go to IX official site.

This is an image pointing to IX Webhosting

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