
God's dimensions

We humans have x,y,z three dimensions, plus time as the fourth, so we have four dimensions. While many animals like worms, including time, they have three dimensions, so it's impossible for them to imagine what four-dimension system is like. So what do God's dimensions look like?

Ten dimensions?Or twenty dimensions.

Let's assume that's ten dimensions.Unbelievable and unimaginable. Just as worms can't imagine human's four-dimension system. That's 6 dimensions' difference. We are less than dust to God.

God creates human beings and the universe. It's understandable.

Scientists often say Leave them to the theologists when something cannot be explained or beyond their maximum imagination. It's very funny. It is just what like the modern scientists called Superstition which means the belief that the ancient people consider all the unexplainable things as God's work. It's the same thing now. Should we call the modern science The Modern Superstition?

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